Was ist martin brudermüller?

Martin Brudermüller is a German business executive and chemist. He was born on December 6, 1961, in Stuttgart, Germany. Brudermüller completed his studies in chemistry at the University of Karlsruhe (now Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and obtained his doctorate in 1987.

Brudermüller started his career at BASF, a multinational chemical company, in 1988. He has held various positions within the company, gaining experience in different areas of the chemical industry. He worked in research, production, and management roles, both in Germany and internationally.

In 2011, Brudermüller became a member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF, responsible for the Asia Pacific region. He played a key role in expanding BASF's presence in Asia and strengthening its partnerships in the region.

In 2015, Brudermüller was appointed Vice Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, and in 2018, he became Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of BASF. As CTO, he focuses on driving innovation and technological advancements within the company.

Brudermüller is known for his strategic leadership and commitment to sustainability. Under his tenure, BASF has committed to becoming CO2 neutral by 2050 and implementing sustainability measures throughout its operations.

In addition to his responsibilities at BASF, Brudermüller is involved in various industry associations and initiatives. He is a member of the Corporate Advisory Board of KIT and the Supervisory Board of Linde plc.

Overall, Martin Brudermüller is a respected leader in the chemical industry, known for his expertise in chemistry, strategic vision, and dedication to sustainability.